Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Jersey Lake Mapping: Before and After Dredging

The Mapping Network and Allied Biological recently completed a lake mapping project for a country club in New Jersey.  The client initially requested the creation of a detailed lake map for understanding true depths, volume analysis and to identify areas needed for dredging.  Upon receiving the results of the lake map, the country club was able to efficiently locate areas for dredging and take control of the bidding process.

After the completion of the dredging portion, the country club immediately remapped the lake to verify the dredging company had taken out the correct amount of material and also to establish a new base map.  The new map will be used to generate a lake management plan for water conservation and future dredging.

The lake mapping process allowed the client to make intelligent decisions on their dredging project and gave them the peace of mind knowing the work has been completed properly.
Since 1982, Allied Biological has been an industry leader in providing lake management consulting and wetland restoration solutions. With an experienced, year-round staff comprised of biologists, environmental scientists and aquatic habitat specialists, our company manages and restores more than 20,000 acres of ponds, lakes, reservoirs and wetlands using a variety of management techniques.Allied Biological provides the largest range of lake and wetland services for New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware including:
  • Lake Mapping: bathymetric lake mapping, aquatic vegetation mapping, invasive wetland species mapping
  • Fisheries Management: fisheries studies, fish removal, fish stocking
  • Lake Weed and Algae Control: weed removal through hydro-raking, chemical applications, biomanipulation
  • Consulting Services: water quality assessment, feasibility studies, vegetation management plans, lake management plans
  • Lake Aeration: Freshlake Aeration and floating fountains
  • Wetland Vegetation Control: mechanical removal and chemical applications to control invasive species
For more information about Allied Biological or any of our aquatic restoration & management services, please contact us at 908-850-0303.
In northern New York, please contact us at 607-286-7257.
More information on Allied Biological can be found on their website:  www.alliedbiological.com

Color shaded depth map showing the pre-dredge (left) and post-dredge (right) lake depths
Color shaded depth map showing the pre-dredge (left) and post-dredge (right) lake depths
The time to act is now.

Don’t waste another year trying to manage your resource without this information.

Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.
contact:  Steve Bartosh
phone:  (402) 241-8177
e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com
website: www.themappingnetwork.com

About The Mapping Network:
The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lake Sediment Mapping Services

Map showing sediment depth. Individual depth points and color-shaded depth is shown. A great tool for understanding areas needing sediment removal. 
 Map showing sediment depth. Individual depth points and color-shaded depth is shown. 
A great tool for understanding areas needing sediment removal.

Here at The Mapping Network, we understand the challenges and costs associated with locating and removing sediment. We specialize in accurately mapping bodies of water, calculating the water volume, collecting sediment depth samples at critical areas and monitoring the distribution of sediment over time.

Common questions from our clients:

  • Where is the highest sedimentation occurring?

  • How much fluffy sediment (in cubic yards) is in each cove?

  • If the lake is drawn down 5 ft, what would the shoreline look like?

  • How much water (gallons and acre-ft) is in the lake?

  • If we make each cove a minimum of 4 feet deep for boat access how much material do we need to remove?

  • By undertaking this mapping process will it save us money in the end?

Each of these questions can be answered by mapping the lake using The Mapping Network's system. We are able to locate the problems areas and calculate the volume (in cubic yards) of material to be removed. The lake mapping data allows us to show the new shoreline if a lake is drawn down 1 ft, 5 ft, 10 ft, etc. Also, calculating water volume at various lake levels can be done. One of the best aspects of the mapping process is it allows the owner and contractor to be on the same page. Successful planning and execution of the dredging project can ensue. We have seen clients save tremendous amounts of money by using The Mapping Network to survey their lake before undertaking the dredging process.

The time to act is now. Don't waste another year trying to manage your resource without this information.

Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

About The Mapping Network:

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Using a GPS Lake Map to Create Management Plan

Jim Darlington, President of Leisure Ponds, mapped a  small pond in the St. Louis area for a residential Home Owners Association.  The pond surveyed was approximately 0.8 acres and had shown warning signs of significant sedimentation.  GPS Lake mapping was conducted on site to reveal the true lake depths of the ponds.  In addition to the bathymetric survey, sedimentation depths were collected and a model of sedimentation levels was created to estimate the volume of sludge in the lake.  During the mapping process, the HOA found out that the middle of the lake had roughly 6 to 7 feet of sedimentation accumulation.  This information provided the baseline depth profile needed for long-term sedimentation monitoring and dredging plans.

The mapping techniques utilized in this project allowed Leisure Ponds to accurately isolate areas of high sedimentation for removal and help lake managers budget accordingly.  The association was able to properly communicate their goals with a dredging company and the sediment was removed according to plan.

Upon completion of the pond dredging, Leisure Ponds charted the bottom of the lake to observe the improvements.  Not only was the HOA able to verify the work had been completed properly, they now have a basemap to monitor sediment accumulation over time.  GPS bathymetric mapping is a powerful tool for assisting in management decisions.

The pond was mapped before and after dredging. The owner verified the contractor removed the correct amount of material and the desired depth was achieved.

Leisure Ponds specializes in improving the functional and aesthetic value of urban problem ponds.  For more information on Lake Mapping and Management in the St. Louis area please contact:

Jim Darlington



Leisure Ponds

The Mapping Network maps lakes throughout the entire year all across the nation.  An accurate lake map provides the information needed to make the most of your aquatic resource.   The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable bathymetric mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.

Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

About The Mapping Network:

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Best Lake Dredging Process – Start with a Map

Collecting Sediment Depths

For lake associations or landowners undertaking a significant lake or pond renovation project, having an accurate  map is essential for effective sediment removal.  Dredging companies and their clients benefit from knowing where and how much sediment needs to be removed to achieve the desired results.  This knowledge is made clear by having the lake professionally mapped.  Trent Lewis with Pond Medics, Inc. (Prosper, TX) put this technology to use for a client, in this case a lake association in Dallas, Texas.  The board of directors had a cove on the lake which had filled in with so much sediment that homeowners were unable to launch their boats.  The association wanted to achieve a minimum depth of three feet to allow boats to travel through without worry.

Originally bids were acquired by three contractors but the association became confused when the bids ranged from $170,000 to $210,000 for sediment removal.  Mr. Lewis suggested a solution where the lake would be mapped and sediment measurements taken to create a comprehensive base map for the dredging companies to hone their bids.  The result allowed the board of directors the ability to fine-tune the bids and the entire project was completed for $92,000.  The lake was then re-mapped upon completion of the dredging to verify sediment had been removed.  Mr Lewis said the board was extremely thankful for having the ability to accurately map their lake and as a result the association was able to save nearly 50% of the original cost for the dredging project.

Benefits to Association

  • Locate and identify sediment accumulation

  • Save money by providing contractors with accurate plan

  • peace of mind knowing all work is completed to plan

  • Ability to monitor sediment over time with routine mapping

Benefits to Dredging Company

  • Understand the scope of work

  • Accurately bid projects with better information

  • Provide the client with a map to prove work is completed

The Mapping Network maps lakes throughout the entire year all across the nation.  An accurate lake map provides the information needed to make the most of your aquatic resource.   The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable bathymetric mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

About The Mapping Network:

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Is GPS Lake Mapping For You?

3D Lake Map
3D Color-shaded depth map showing the unique characteristics under the surface of a lake

To fully enjoy your lake or pond it is essential to know the facts.  Exact acreage, depths, and chemistry of your lake are critical factors for making the best management decisions.  Armed with this knowledge you will be able to properly place structure, deliver appropriate stocking densities, select the correct fish species, apply the right amount of weed control, and of course gain a better idea where those bass may be hiding!

Equipped with the very latest in GPS surface mapping, bathymetry, 3-D contour imaging, aerial and fly-over video resources and virtual underwater swim-view 3-D mapping, we are able to add layers of depth to the information our customers seek. Whether you are tracking sedimentation, planning for dredging, looking to improve your fishery, or simply looking to understand the overall size, volume, and bottom contour of your pond in order to make good management decisions, we have the tools you need to be successful.

The Mapping Network maps lakes throughout the entire year all across the nation.  An accurate lake map provides the information needed to make the most of your aquatic resource.   The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable bathymetric mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

About The Mapping Network:

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

When is the best time to map your lake?

Right Now!  The Mapping Network maps lakes throughout the entire year but typically the best time to map a lake is from fall until spring, while the weeds are down.  Understanding exact acreage, depths, and chemistry of your lake are critical factors for making the best management decisions in 2012.  Armed with this knowledge you will be able to properly place structure, deliver appropriate stocking densities, select the correct fish species, apply the right amount of weed control, and of course gain a better idea where those bass may be hiding!   An accurate lake map provides the information needed to make the most of your aquatic resource.   The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable bathymetric mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail:  info@mappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

 3D color-shaded depth map created by The Mapping Network shows extensive detail of the lake bottom

About The Mapping Network:

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cog Hill Golf & Country Club's Course No. 4, Dubsdread, has earned the respect of PGA TOUR professionals since the championship moved to Cog Hill in 1991. Now, newly-renovated in 2008, Dubsdread promises to offer an even more challenging venue for the BMW Championship.  As the 3rd Tournament of the FedEx Cup, the 70 qualifying players are seeking one of the 30 spots for the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.

Dubsdread, ranked 29th in Golf Digest's 100 "Greatest Public Courses," has provided exciting finishes and thrilling golf as the site of Chicago's only PGA TOUR championship. Cog Hill No. 4 was designed and built by Dick Wilson and Joe Lee in 1964 and is owned by the Jemsek family. The course features large, tiered bentgrass greens; tree-lined, bentgrass fairways; 110 sand bunkers and water hazards on six holes.

Dubsdread was renovated in 2008 by famed golf course architect Rees Jones.

Follow the leaderboard for the BMW Championship here:  LEADERBOARD

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&vpsrc=6&ll=41.681021,-87.948518&spn=0.012821,0.024033&z=15&output=embed&w=560&h=400]

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Friday, September 9, 2011

3/8th of a Mile of Platte River that Borders the Famed Garden County Refuge.

This property could be a great waterfowl spot.  Lots of potential if developed and improved.  There is a huge waterfowl roost on the river that fronts this property.  The river of course is the famed Garden County Refuge.  Slough and pond development potential could make this property outstanding.  Food plot development could attract deer, turkey, elk, as well as waterfowl to this property.  There is a house and steel building on the property.  This is truly a diamond in the rough.

For More information on this listing click here:  http://www.lashleyland.com/realestate/oregon_trails_waterfowl.html

View other Nebraska hunting properties from Lashley Land: www.lashleyland.com

This property is also listed on the exclusive Cabela’s Trophy Properties website.

Contact For More Information

All aerial, topography and location maps provided by The Mapping Network:  www.TheMappingNetwork.com

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website >> click here

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What is Being Left on the Bottom of Your Lake?

Most lakes and ponds are fed by rivers and creeks and water isn’t the only thing being carried into the lake.  Something unseen is slowly accumulating on your lake bottom – Sediment.   When flooding occurs, the increased river levels cause extremely high amounts of sediment to be deposited into your lake.  Sedimentation is one of the costliest problems facing lakes due to the difficulty of removal.  If you live on a lake that is fed by a creek or river, there is a high need to monitor and map out sediment accumulation.  Learn more about our Sediment Mapping here >> Sediment Mapping Detailed. 

Here at The Mapping Network, we specialize in accurately mapping bodies of water, calculating the water volume, collecting sediment depth samples at critical areas and monitoring the distribution of sediment over time.  We have a nationwide group of professionals specializing in all facets of lake management.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.
Locations of sediment depth points collected. Each cover where a creek entered the lake was surveyed for sedimentation. The results of this project will assist lake managers in creating dredging plans
Map displaying sediment depths with color-shading to visualize the areas of high sedimentation

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details

.phone:  (402) 241-8177 

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com 

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Excellent Habitat For Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer, Wild Turkey & Elk.You Would Think You Were In The Mountains

The property is 80% tree covered and full of game.  The adjacent owner has corn and alfalfa that the deer, turkey and elk feed on in the late fall and winter.  There is a house on the premises that could be used as a cabin.  Also various outbuildings to store RV equipment, tractors, mowers and such.  There is a small arena to rope if that is your passion.  This ranch has good access, but is 1/3 mile off the main road.  Mule deer, white-tailed deer, wild turkey, pheasant, quail and dove are just a few game animals to hunt.  There are 3 stock dams on the property.  The pastures are cross-fenced into 3 different pastures.

For More information on this listing click here:  http://www.lashleyland.com/realestate/cedarbluffs_ranch.html

View other Nebraska hunting properties from Lashley Land: www.lashleyland.com

This property is also listed on the exclusive Cabela’s Trophy Properties website.

Contact For More Information

All aerial, topography and location maps provided by The Mapping Network:  www.TheMappingNetwork.com

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Engineers Developing Dredging Plan and Dock Placement Select Local Expert for Bathymetry Study

Smith Mountain Lake is a gorgeous, 40-mile long, 20,600 acre lake, with 500 miles of shoreline, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains of rural southwestern Virginia.  Part of an ongoing improvement project required small sections ranging from 0.25 to 3 acres to be dredged due to sedimentation and safety issues.   Another area of the lake was preparing for the installation of several docks for the increase in boaters.  In both cases, accurate bathymetric lake mapping conducted by SŌLitude Lake Management® and The Mapping Network was used as a tool for measuring lake depth and sediment volume to assist the lake in finding the best methods of dock placement and dredging techniques.  Engineers now have an updated basemap to monitor future sediment levels and keep boats traveling safely through the lake.

How accurate is your lake data? Did you know that many lake maps currently used by decision makers and the general public are either very old (often from the 1950′s) or were the original design plans (usually very inaccurate).  Don’t base your management and safety decisions on data that can be several feet off – have your lake mapped by the premier bathymetry survey providers in the country!  Only select companies undergo the detailed training provided through The Mapping Network.  This group of professional lake mappers have the local knowledge and reputation to proficiently map your lake.

Contour and Color-Shaded Depth Map of study area by SŌLitude Lake Management®

Creating an accurate, up-to-date lake map of a cove. This information assists in construction and dredging plans by showing contractors and lake managers exactly what the bottom of the lake looks like.

SŌLitude Lake Management® Website on Lake Mapping:  http://www.solitudelakemanagement.com/services/lake-mapping/

Kevin Tucker is the president of SŌLitude Lake Management®, specializing in pond and lake management.  SŌLitude Lake Management® also controls pond management interests in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and North Carolina.

phone: (866) 697-2584

website:  http://www.solitudelakemanagement.com

To learn more about our Sediment Mapping here >> Sediment Mapping Detailed

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

For the best results in mapping, it’s best to consult with a lake management company equipped with the very latest in GPS mapping technology.  Along with standard contour maps, The Mapping Network creates virtual media solutions on YouTube including a fly-over video and virtual underwater virtual swim-through.  With this knowledge, you can add layers of depth to the information you seek to maintain a beautiful lake.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Most lakes and ponds are fed by rivers and creeks and water isn’t the only thing being carried into the lake.  Something unseen is slowly accumulating on your lake bottom – Sediment.   When flooding occurs, the increased river levels cause extremely high amounts of sediment to be deposited into your lake.  Sedimentation is one of the costliest problems facing lakes due to the difficulty of removal.

If you live on a lake that is fed by a creek or river, there is a high need to monitor and map out sediment accumulation.
The Mapping Network teamed up with a local engineering company to map a marina on the Missouri River.  The purpose of this project was to determine the amount of sedimentation in the marina.  The Army Corps of Engineers used this information to gather bids for dredging the marina.  The post-dredge report declared an accurate bathymetric and sedimentation survey was collected and all parties were very satisfied with the results.

[caption id="attachment_2727" align="aligncenter" width="373" caption="Contour map with sediment thickness points of a marina on the Missouri River."][/caption]

To learn more about our Sediment Mapping here >> Sediment Mapping Detailed

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

Friday, August 26, 2011

This Highly Efficient Home and Forested Acreage is Spectacular!

This 3,600 sq. ft. home is Impressive!  5 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms.  Country living in style.  There is also a separate facility that could serve as a man cave or guest house as well.  A 3 car garage tops off the class of this home in the country.  Also there are thousands of trees and shrubs planted on most of the acres.  This provides an oasis of cover for deer and antelope as well as pheasant, dove and other wildlife.  In addition, there is a water containment system that provides water for waterfowl.  The entire acreage is very well watered with 2 domestic wells.  This is a perfect home to enjoy wildlife.

For More Information
Contact Listing Agent Lucy Thierer 308-539-4260

For More information on this listing click here:  http://www.lashleyland.com/realestate/deuelcty_wildlife_hideout.html

View other Nebraska hunting properties from Lashley Land: www.lashleyland.com

[caption id="attachment_2701" align="aligncenter" width="581" caption="Aerial Map showing the "Deuel County Wildlife Hideout" listing from Lashley Land and Recreational Brokers."]nebraska land for sale map[/caption]

This property is also listed on the exclusive Cabela’s Trophy Properties website.

Contact For More Information

Aerial, topography & location maps provided by The Mapping Network: www.TheMappingNetwork.com

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website >> click here

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Barclays golf tournament has a rich history, starting life as the Westchester Classic in 1967 at the Westchester Country Club in Rye, New York. Various sponsors followed from 1976 until the first Barclays Classic in 2005. Two years later, The Barclays as we know it today was born when it became the first Playoff event in the FedExCup.

Designed by Donald J Ross in 1916 and completed in 1921, Plainfield Country Club’s majestic, top-ranked course (dubbed the 'Green Monster') presents a test of both skill and character. What's more, families and golf lovers alike have long revered Plainfield’s welcoming environment, beautiful setting and exceptional facilities.

Since its founding in 1890 as the Hillside Tennis Club, Plainfield has experienced tremendous growth, going on to host two US National Championships. The past 10 years have seen the Club undergo an extensive renovation program involving the removal of over 1,200 trees, the rediscovery of a number of lost bunkers, the expansion of 16 greens, and the lengthening of 12 tees to reflect modern equipment and skills.

The winner will walk away with $1,350,000 out of a total prize fund of $8,000,000.

Follow the leaderboard for the Wyndham Championship here:  LEADERBOARD

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?gl=us&vpsrc=6&sll=41.878002,-93.097702&sspn=4.324189,8.195801&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=40.59336,-74.384716&spn=0.007332,0.012317&z=16&output=embed&w=575&h=450]

The Mapping Network is an industry leader in Geographic Information Systems Consulting, Data Conversion, and GPS Data Collection.  We specialize in terrain and sub-surface (bathymetry) GPS mapping.   If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your resource mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

This classy place is set in the heart of the Beautiful pine ridge of Nebraska

This property features a beautiful home in simply a beautiful area! There is a high fence lot for livestock that has water running to it.

This 1st Class house features the following:
4 Bedrooms
Patio off the back
Main level: 1,970 sf - finished
Basement: 1,577 sf - finished

Hunting & recreation Opportunities
• White-tail Deer
Merriman's Wild Turkey

Literally just out the back door 3 Trophy white-tail deer were harvested. Several Merriman's have been taken on the property.

Make an appointment with Mike today to see this property! (308) 530–0134.

For More information on this listing click here:  http://www.lashleyland.com/realestate/pineridge_palace.html

View other Nebraska hunting properties from Lashley Land: www.lashleyland.com

[caption id="attachment_2673" align="aligncenter" width="491" caption="Aerial Map showing the "Pine Ridge Palace" listing from Lashley Land and Recreational Brokers."][/caption]

This property is also listed on the exclusive Cabela’s Trophy Properties website.

Contact For More Information

Aerial, topography & location maps provided by The Mapping Network: www.TheMappingNetwork.com

The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable recreational land, lake mapping, and golf course mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality property, golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions, contact the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com



Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website >> click here

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Save Significant Money on Dredging Projects with The Mapping Network!

The Mapping Network recently completed a mapping project for a large-scale home owners association in Arkansas.  The large lake had 21 coves and several homeowners were having difficulties accessing their dock due to sedimentation.  Here were some of the questions the HOA management team had:

- where is the highest sedimentation occurring?

- how much fluffy sediment (in cubic yards) is in each cove?

- if the lake is drawn down 5 ft, what would the shoreline look like?

- how much water (gallons and acre-ft) is in the lake?

- if we make each cove a minimum of 4 feet deep for boat access how much material do we need to remove?

- by undertaking this mapping process will it save us money in the end?

The overall goal of the lake mapping project was to survey each cove for future dredging along with the creation of an accurate map of the entire lake.  The lake had 21 coves and The Mapping Network collected water depths over the entire lake and fluffy sediment levels for all areas under 10 feet of water.

3D models were generated to show how much sediment had accumulated in each cove.  Contour maps were also made for each cove and given to the lake manager and engineer to review for dredging planning.  The Mapping Network then created cut-fill calculations and maps based on the specifications of the lake manager.  The HOA then used this information as part of the bid package given to dredging companies.  Presenting the precise plans took out the guess work and kept all the dredging contractors on task and it is projected to save the HOA an estimated $5,000-$12,000 per cove!  An incredible cost savings when compiled over 21 coves.

In the example maps below, The Mapping Network located the areas where the current depth was less than four feet, which was the dredging zone.  The mapping techniques utilized in this project helped the HOA accurately calculate and isolate areas of high sedimentation for removal and helped the property manager budget accordingly.

The bottom line – This powerful information allows for smart management and planning decisions and will serve as a baseline for future projects.  A great value!

A series of maps showing the seleceted area for dredging. The current lake bathymetry (top) and the post-dredge contours (middle) are shown in blue shading. A cut-fill model (bottom) shows areas of cut needed to reach the goal.
A series of maps showing the selected area for dredging.
The current lake bathymetry (top) and the post-dredge contours (middle)
are shown in blue shading. A cut-fill model (bottom) shows areas of cut
needed to reach the goal.

The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable bathymetric mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lashley Land and Recreational Real Estate Brokers understands the value of providing accurate and timely information to their clients.  By teaming up with The Mapping Network, Lashley Land can easily communicate with buyers and sellers about their listings by showing the latest high resolution aerial imagery, topography, 3D and location maps.  These tools are invaluable in the recreational real estate market by showing a buyer detailed features the property from the comfort of their home or office.

Lashley Land has a map on file with all their current active listings so clients can easily visualize the inventory.  The application of this mapping technology reinforces the strong reputation and success of Lashley Land and Recreational Real Estate Brokers.  If you are interested in buying or selling land, contact Mike Lashley because he will use every tool at his disposal to make your dreams come true!

Contact For More Information

[caption id="attachment_2647" align="aligncenter" width="574" caption="The active listings for Lashley Land and Recreational Real Estate Brokers. All maps area created by The Mapping Network"][/caption]

Aerial, topography & location maps provided by The Mapping Network: www.TheMappingNetwork.com

The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable recreational land, lake mapping, and golf course mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality property, golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions, contact the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com



Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website >> click here

Friday, August 19, 2011

This ranch is in the incredible Pine Ridge area and is clearly very unique. Options are endless!

An additional 720 acres of land is available adjacent to this property.  See our East Boggy Creek listing.  This land includes a high fence timbered range as well. Enjoy the best of both worlds by purchasing 5 Points Ranch and East Boggy Creek. Open the gates on one and hunt deer - leave the other closed and hunt elk!

Call today to discuss in more detail.  308-532-9300

Hunting & recreation Opportunities

• Elk
• Merriam's Wild Turkey
• Trout - Brown and Rainbow
• Largemouth Bass
• Hybrid Sunfish
• Mule Deer (potential)
• White-tail Deer (potential)

This ranch is currently being used as a high fenced Elk Preserve, however, the elk could be removed and the gates opened to allow mule deer and white-tail deer to move in. The ranch could remain as is to enjoy a private elk herd to hunt without the need for permits.

The turkey are native and the trout ponds have been stocked with Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass and Hybrid Sunfish.

For More information on this listing click here:  http://www.lashleyland.com/realestate/5points_ranch.html

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=200316458506816603946.0004aade1ec9728e27dfc&hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&vpsrc=0&ll=42.76239,-103.686476&spn=0.022055,0.049353&z=14&output=embed&w=575&h=350]

View other Nebraska hunting properties from Lashley Land: www.lashleyland.com

This property is also listed on the exclusive Cabela’s Trophy Properties website.

Contact For More Information

Mike Lashley and Lashley Land & Recreational Brokers – A Real Estate Service Like No Other!

Nebraska Farm and Ranch Land For Sale – Cabela’s Trophy Properties

Nebraska River Land For Sale – Waterfowl, Deer and Turkey Hunting

All aerial, topography and location maps provided by The Mapping Network: www.TheMappingNetwork.com

A Nationwide Network of GPS Mapping Professionals
Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website >> click here

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Since 2008, The Wyndham Championship has been at Sedgefield Country Club and became the only regular-season event on the PGA TOUR contested on a course originally designed by famed architect, Donald Ross.
Follow the leaderboard for the Wyndham Championship here:  LEADERBOARD

[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&vpsrc=6&ll=36.010679,-79.882708&spn=0.01215,0.018239&z=15&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

The Mapping Network provides the highest quality and is the most affordable golf course and bathymetric mapping system on the market today.  If you are serious about maintaining  a high-quality golf course, lake or pond, be sure you have the ability to make the best decisions,  get your lake mapped by the professionals at The Mapping Network.   Give us a call or send an e-mail to find out more details.

contact:  Steve Bartosh

phone:  (402) 241-8177

e-mail: info@themappingnetwork.com

website: www.themappingnetwork.com

By , Sales Associate for Premier Outdoor Properties licensed in Nebraska and Kansas

It is pretty clear our Country’s debt and failing economy has a lot of people feeling scared and even threatened. Across the nation we are trying to adjust our bottom line and checking our assets. Many are planning new retirement plans and searching for new investment opportunities to help recover losses. If you are looking for a safe and stable investment, why not invest in Land?

I recently read an interesting study in Stanberry’s Investment Advisory, ‘The World’s Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis’. ‘Since 1970, Farmland has outpaced gold, stocks, and just about any other asset we could name.’ That’s an astounding statistic. Add to it that ‘Farmland returns have little correlation to the returns on stocks and bonds’, and it didn’t fall in a single quarter during the financial meltdown, makes is it a safe investment with great returns.” (Stanberry’s Investment Advisory)

I know in today’s unstable economy and skeptical investment environment, this news seems to good to be true. I found through further research that the sentiment of Stanberry’s outlook on farmland is consistent. Bloomberg supports the idea declaring, ‘Farmland and forestry will outperform the average of all global assets long-term’.

Land is a stable market with great long-term returns. Additionally, land may give you an immediate return on your investment though grazing, farming, and hunting leases that can provide an increase in cash flow. The best part is you can have your own place to go hunting and fishing.

It’s very clear that the demand for land is on the rise. We are already experiencing a strong demand from savvy investors looking to beat the rush, making it a great time to sell your property too. Ultimately, land is one of our most valuable assets and as they say ‘they aren’t making any more of it.’

All aerial, topography and location maps for Premier Outdoor Properties provided by The Mapping Network: www.TheMappingNetwork.com

A Nationwide Network of GPS Mapping Professionals
Check out The Mapping Network on Facebook for more examples and success stories!

The Mapping Network is proud to announce their firm has been chosen by Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter, as a Landowner Services provider for Cabela’s Trophy Properties throughout the United States.  Visit us on the Cabela’s Trophy Properties website >> click here